A night nurse's adventures in fitness, eating well, and maintaining sanity while becoming a successful RN.

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Homemade Granola

Warning: This granola has the potential to become addicting.

Trust me, I'm speaking from experience. I stumbled upon this recipe a few months ago on the Granola Chronicles (see link below) and haven't bought store brand granola since. There are so many reasons to try out this recipe yourself.

1. There's only 7 ingredients.

2. It's easy! 

3. You don't have to preheat the oven

4. It's DELICIOUS!!  (Truly, that's the only reason you need, right?)

Fresh baked granola. It's so good right out of the oven when it's warm and soft,
I have to really practice self control so I have some left for my yogurt.

With all the amazing, fresh fruit in season right now, homemade granola is the perfect topping for a big bowl of Greek yogurt and chunks of fresh fruit. It's the perfect, crunchy topping to complete a bowl of breakfast sunshine. Check out the recipe below and enjoy!

My picture perfect breakfast. Greek yogurt, strawberries, peaches, blueberries and granola.

Homemade Granola
                     3 T Honey                      2 ½ C Old Fashioned Oats
                    3 T Maple Syrup              1 tsp cinnamon
                    2 T Olive Oil                   Dash Salt
                    1 T Vanilla
Combine the honey, syrup, olive oil, and vanilla in a small bowl. Mix oats, cinnamon and salt in a larger bowl. Pour liquid mixture over oats and stir to coat. Spread mixture onto a baking sheet and bake in 300 degree oven (without pre-heating) for 25 minutes. Allow to cool and store in airtight container. (If you manage not to eat it all first!!)
**Add other ingredients as you please (coconut, raisins, sunflower seeds, craisins, etc). I usually add ¼ c raisins after combining the oats and liquid mixture.**
Nutrition info: 51 calories per tablespoon
Check out this and more recipes for different kinds of homemade granola at (http://www.thegranolachronicles.com/2011/02/rainbow-granola.html)

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