A night nurse's adventures in fitness, eating well, and maintaining sanity while becoming a successful RN.

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

30 Day Ab Challenge

So dear friends, I have a little challenge for you. Can you match the faces to the abs?  (You're shocked, I know, to discover I am brave enough to post a picture of my stomach for the world to see. Please be kind!)

 A.                                                                    B.                                                                    C.

1.                                                                     2.                                                                   3.

How did you do? The answers are as follows:
A (Jessica Alba) ...3
B (Yours truly!) ...1
C (Kerri Walsh) ...2

So those celebrities and olympic athletes have killer bodies. We all have seen the pictures on magazines, tv, the internet, you name it. Sometimes they're airbrushed, sometimes they aren't.  Regardless, our society is programmed to compare ourselves to the rich and famous, and quite frankly it can be depressing. I know my stomach is lacking the definition and tone that we find so desirable, thanks to my love of ice cream and all things peanut butter. And you know what?  That's ok.

While I try not to obsess over my one pack, I always feel better with a little tone to the ab region. Which leads me to the important part of this post. My embarkation on a 30 day ab challenge. 

My plan isn't crazy. I found a few good ab workouts on pinterest and in magazines and have been doing one of them every day (in addition to my normal 30-45 minute runs). I'm currently on day 10 and, while I haven't lost "multiple inches and pounds" like the posts claim, I have managed to lose a few pounds. But most importantly, I feel awesome. So bring it on days 11-30!

Details of my first ab workout .......

Basically, this is the Ab Ripper (Courtesy of P90X)

1. In-N-Outs (25)
2. Bicycles (25)
3. Reverse Bicycles (25)
4. Crunchy Frogs (25)
5. Cross/Wide Leg Sit-ups (25)
6. Scissors (25)
7. Hip Butt Ups (25)
8. Heels to Heaven (25)
9. Roll-Up V-Ups (25)
10. Leg Climbers (12 each side)
11. Kayakers (50)

I had to modify some of these at first (do less reps, take breaks, curse under my breath, you know, normal exercise activites.) but this week I have been able to do all the reps with less breaks. My plan is to continue to modify the workouts as needed. Maybe add more reps, do the sequence twice, wear a fifty pound weighted vest while I do it... no big deal!

I hope you enjoy, feel the burn, and are inspired to work it!

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